Joanna Glass Christian Radio

I am constantly amazed by God’s plan. He sees the big picture, while I see something the size of a postage stamp. I contacted a Christian radio broadcasting network so I could get the word out on my book, Jesus Steps In. 

They asked to come in to discuss an ad for radio. They asked many questions about me, my book, and what I wanted to achieve. I told them I want people to know and experience the love, devotion, and faithfulness of Jesus Christ. By the end of our meeting, they asked me if I would like to have a radio show called, Jesus Steps In. 

When I got in my car to leave, I sat there saying, “wow!” Again and again. When I turned on my car, a song was just ending. The last line of their song was “God splits the sea.” I said, “You sure do!” We have recorded the first show. You can find it on 100.7 fm, The Word, on Saturday, Oct 26, at 2:00 pm. 

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